Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Texas Juvenile Justice?

In this article titled, To Help Rehabilitate Juveniles, Texas Keeping Them Closer to Home By Jonathan Silver of The Texas Tribune addresses different counties thought Texas, need for juveniles to be placed in reconstructive programs closer to home instead of in state lockups. The author stresses the importance of why these young offenders need to be closer to home. He states that a lot of the offender's parents being low income and are unable to go visit them while they are locked up due to a lack of public transportation. As some of these lockups are 100 plus miles away from their homes. As John says the juveniles friends and family are a crucial part of the support and recovery process for these juveniles. After all some of these juvenile offenders are between the ages of 10 and 12. This bill, if passed will concentrate on diverting few select groups throughout the counties in Texas, specifically to those with serious mental illnesses, developmental disabilities, non-violent histories and a "low to moderate" risk of offending again."

This particular article caught my eye because of the headline. Juvenile issues have always been an interest of mine. As I started skimming through the article I noticed how I really liked the layout of it. The author John was able to get straight to the point and write almost as if you were reading through bulleted facts. He pointed out all the facts of the story including a back story. He separated each statement as a paragraph making it easy to sift through or go back and read through a certain point. Overall I feel that this article is well written, and with the style of wording and layout you are able to come away with an understanding of the issue as a whole. I have taken the liberty of looking through some of the authors John Silver Texas Tribune other articles and it looks as if they are similar in their layout. I look forward to checking out some of the other articles he has written.

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